Building Inspections
Building Inspections
The Building Inspections Division is responsible for the administration of the Minnesota State Building Code. The Division assures that all construction and remodeling jobs occurring within the City have obtained the appropriate permits and are constructed to the minimum standards of the said State Building Codes.
What is a permit?
A permit is a legal document that gives you permission to commence a building project in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications.
When is a permit required?
Permits are usually required for the following: New buildings, additions, decks, garages, fireplaces, porches, pools, water heaters, building renovations, plumbing systems, and HVAC work. Please see the Permit Requirements document, In Spanish Requisitos de permiso which provides you with a better understanding if and what permit(s) is necessary for the work you may be considering to have completed. If you do not see the type of work listed, please contact the Community Development deparment at 507-372-8640 or email: community.development@ci.worthington.mn.us
Downloads for frequently requested improvements and the appropriate permits can be found at the bottom of this page.
Why is it important to obtain a Building Permit?
Your home or business is a significant investment. If your construction or remodel project does not comply with the codes adopted by the State and the local community, the value of your investment could be reduced. Many insurance companies will not cover construction or remodel work done without a permit and/or inspections. A property owner who can show that their building and/or remodel project(s) was completed to the state and local code requirements, has a strong ally when it comes to insurance claims, lawsuits, etc. By following code guidelines, your completed project will meet the minimum standards of safety and will be less likely to cause injury to you, your family, clients, friends or future owners.