Center for Active Living
Center for Active Living
The Center for Active Living is located in downtown Worthington on 11th Street, just one block off of main street running through downtown. Constructed in April 2013, the building has much to offer. The new Center for Active Living renovated part of the old YMCA by refurbishing the racquetball courts, smaller gymnasium, and lower level which houses the pool tables and has plenty of space for card playing and program activites. The newly constrcuted upper level has bathrooms with shower facilities, a catering kitchen, small meeting room with computer lab and wi-fi, along with a full dining/activity room for programs or event hosting. Continuing the traditions since the 1970's the Center for Active Living provides programs and events for the community ages 55+. Daily activities include; card playing, board games, pool games, racquetball, and pickleball. With the permanent location now in place the Center for Active Living is looking to expand the programs offered to include health education and screenings, ofther social activities to combat lonliness and promote social involvement, provide and expand fitness programs, promote mental alertness and maintain mental health, active aging awareness, special events and day trips, and offer more volunteer opportunities within the community. For programs offered and their schedules (calendar) contact the Center for Active Living at 376-6457 or visit the Center for Active Living web page
211 11th Street
Worthington, MN 56187
Mon- Wed 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Thurs & Fri 8:00 .m. - 4:00 p.m.
Jill Cuperus
(507) 376-6457
Center for Active Living
(507) 376-6457