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Type of Concern Who To Contact
Animal Control Problems (dogs barking, strays, etc.) Animal Control Officer
(507) 295-5400
(507) 372-8430
Campground reservations Campground Attendant
(507) 329-0760
Dock permit application Todd Wietzema
(507) 372-8650
Park related questions or concerns Todd Wietzema
(507) 372-8650
Park shelter house reservations Angela Thiner
(507) 666-5010
Possible sanitary sewer back-up Public Utilities
(507) 372-8680
Public Utilities Website
Possible water break Public Utilities
(507) 372-8680
Public Utilities Website
Snow not removed from public sidewalks Community Services Officer
(507) 372-8430
Street light not working Public Utilities
(507) 372-8680
Public Utilities Website
Street maintenance questions or concerns Todd Wietzema
(507) 372-8650
Trash/solid waste accumulations (private or public property) (507) 295-5289
Weeds/grass not maintained (private or public property) (507) 295-5289